Thursday, February 28, 2008

Michelle Obama- The real Negro to fear

Yes Barack Obama might be the first lighted skinned President (White people who don't understand the term light-skinned please ask a black co-worker) but make no mistake Michelle Obama is almost as black as Alan Keys (I mean black in skin tone, not black in attitude) and now she is being painted (painted like in perceived not black face paint) to be the second coming of Angela Davis.
Not much can really be said about America's favorite Half-Negro who is part
Will Smith, part Wayne Brady and part Tim Duncan. However, Michelle is fair game. Bill O'Reilly (seriously, America's whitest white man) now wants to organize a lynch mob if her patriotism lean to the left of Fred Thompson (the ugliest white man in America).
Barack (we are on a first name basis) has done his best to distance himself from Farrakhan and Barack has also bent over backwards to impress the Jewish Community(hell, Barack even will get some 'Jew' points for being involved with the infamous Slumlord 'Rezko' character). Barack might think just because he is not in the field anymore all is well. Your not that light-skinned Barack. Master may let you in the house, he may even let you serve him his meal, but you ain't sitting down at Master's table and eating with him.
Barack may have to divorce his wife and denounce her radical views.
The Republicans are gearing up for some nice ratf*cking. The image of Michelle Obama with an afro and black power fist fro-pick will no doubt be swirling around the Drudge report soon.
Barack has to decide if he really wants change, or if he happy to play 'Fiddler' in the 2008 production of Roots(again, White people ask a black co worker or google 'Fiddler+Roots').

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